Ursula Rischanek

Switched on and of ....?💔

Why do you think

you can just switch on

on and off,

just as you feel like it?

And why

do I accept it


and again?


Why am I hurting you,

over and over again?

Is it happening for love?






and how.


About us.....


© Uschi R.

All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Ursula Rischanek.
Published on e-Stories.org on 04.01.2020.


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Vi è piaciuto questo articolo? Allora date un'occhiata ai seguenti:

Only three words...❣️ - Ursula Rischanek (Amore e Romanticismo)
Late realization - Rainer Tiemann (Cameratismo)